Facilities at Robertson Athletic Complex
Two out of every five students at Allegheny College participate in varsity sports. When Allegheny added men’s lacrosse and field hockey in 2018, the addition of the two sports exacerbated the overcrowding of our current locker rooms at Robertson Athletic Complex. The existing locker rooms have insufficient space for some team rosters and limit teams’ abilities to have access to the space necessary during their non-traditional seasons.
Furthermore, the condition of the locker room space is inferior compared to competitor schools. In alignment with the College’s goal to Ensure a Vibrant and Inclusive Campus Experience, a new football locker room will allow us to repurpose and refurbish the current football locker room for the other varsity sports, providing the necessary space for roster growth and yearlong use.
Named space opportunities are currently being identified for this project. Speak to a member of the Institutional Advancement team to learn how you can support this project.